The true reason for the decision to halt the German armour on 24 May is still a matter of debate.
This enabled German armour to respond rapidly to a constantly changing battlefield situation.
This stalled the German armour on Dutch territory for a time.
This was the only time in the campaign when German armour frontally attacked a strongly held fortified position.
It was the most impressive fleet of German armour yet amassed for a single offensive.
This had been done as a response to the increased threat posed by German armour in the theatre.
The battalion managed to withdraw to higher ground, but suffered a number of casualties from the German armour as it did so.
The decision to land the tanks directly on to the beach proved correct as there was no German armour in the area.
Armour would then pass through and defeat the German armour.
The film is noteworthy for its extensive use of actual captured German armour.