By mid-1942, however, as the Gestapo began replacing German military administrators, French officialdom's room for maneuver disappeared.
German administrators were allowed to once again run the plantations of the southwestern coastal area.
At my request, a German administrator was sent to the fuel depot to supervise the issue of fuel.
Finding around 8,000 people gathered against the German administrators Mathews was forced to return with his men to Zanzibar.
One of the German administrators was General commissar Wilhelm Kube.
Ellis managed the development of the phosphate resources on Nauru, and mining began in 1906 under an arrangement with the German administrators of the island.
The first German administrators reached the settlement in 1901.
The colony was administered in a similar way as by the former German administrators, continuing policies such as ethnic identity cards.
In more recent years, some have been sold in their intact forms to Westerners, particularly to German administrators.
Many traditional practices among the natives had been outlawed by German administrators, specifically the acts of tattooing and mengol.