New members had to bring one along, meaning that about 10 to 15 percent of the victims of the German actions were partisans.
However, millions also died as a result of other German actions in those two conflicts.
But to do so could be seen as the prelude to a deliberate devaluation, rather than the logical consequence of the German action.
One possible reason for the German action now is concern that the suspects might flee.
It was the basis of German actions during their march through Belgium in 1914.
But the German action will hurt not only those who opposed Germany in the European summit.
He improved the German action by adding an escapement mechanism.
It is the earliest signed and dated instrument with a German action known to the author.
Stein is often said to have been the inventor of the escapement for the German action.
This is what Stein did in his German action (illus.12).