I asked Gerard Smith.
It was announced in March 2011, that the band's bassist, Gerard Smith, was diagnosed with lung cancer.
Gerard Smith he helped to mold the Philosophy Department into its current state.
He replaces Gerard Smith, an unrelated Smith who has been named vice chairman.
Both men have been executive vice presidents of Newsweek and Gerard Smith has been publisher for three years.
Gerard Smith will be in charge of seven departments of the magazine and "will continue to represent Newsweek with advertisers and agencies."
"It doesn't look much different to me," said Gerard Smith, a doorman, surveying 75th Street outside the high-rise where he works.
In 1720 a new case was built by Gerard Smith.
Gerard Smith may refer to:
Some of it is going to Newsweek, whose publisher, Gerard Smith, said that the newsweekly should be ahead 50 to 75 pages this year.