It was the last of the five Georgian squares in Dublin to be built.
It has been characterised as, "An exceptionally fine and moving memorial, which forms an important focal point to this fine late Georgian square."
This is the only Georgian square in Jamaica.
Befitting its site in Adam's famous Georgian square, the hotel and restaurant have elegance, style and dignity.
It was recognised as Birmingham's last remaining Georgian square and an example of late 18th century urban planning in Birmingham.
It retains its graceful Georgian squares and crescents.
It is one of the smaller but better preserved Georgian squares in central London.
The last of Dublin's Georgian squares to be built, it was completed by 1830, although the older houses date back to 1714.
It is the only complete Georgian square in Bath.
Yes, Dublin still has its beautiful Georgian squares and parks, almost - if not quite - unmarred by architectural horrors.