The massive two-story Georgian house-red brick with white wood trim-would have been the loveliest house in town, were the town not Moonlight Bay.
Grecian columns and Georgian red brick glared sullenly at the white painted curlicue gables in the Cape Dutch style.
Amid the ivy and Georgian red brick at Harvard these days, there is little of the political ferment of the late 60's.
It's a very nice house--an old Georgian brick two-story, lovely yard that I pay a big chunk to keep looking good.
Midville church was built in 1819-20 and is a plain edifice of Georgian brick.
'Lord, I don't want to get grounded here,' I said over my mike as sure enough, a cluster of Georgian brick buildings came into view.
Another is his old friend Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, 73, who in 2003 paid $1.5 million for a brick Georgian that was last a bed-and-breakfast.
Principal buildings are in Georgian red brick, often with classical porticoes that were, by design, the unifying architectural feature of the early building phase.
In 1750, lord of the manor, William Shaw, saw that the exterior of the house was encased in Georgian brick and expanded, except the north front.
"It's a very handsome house, Georgian red brick," one of them said.