Another Georgia woman dealt with the Tories in a somewhat more genteel fashion.
Tomorrow the Court will take up the first of the cases, involving two Georgia women diagnosed with mild retardation, mental illness and brain damage.
A Georgia woman who turned her car into an ad for potato chips found that people were fascinated by the sight.
In August 1998, Classic resold the gun to a Georgia woman for about $150.
Now, in the twilight of a hardscrabble life, the 84-year-old Georgia woman is learning to read, mainly so she can study her Bible.
The blast, which occurred during a late-night rock concert, killed a 44-year-old Georgia woman and wounded 111 others, 16 of whom were still hospitalized.
"Georgia woman with flesh-eating disease leaves hospital"
After kicking her no-good husband out of the house, a Georgia woman wins $300 million in a lottery.
In 1846, he married a Georgia woman and subsequently raised a family.
The Amendment passed nationally and Georgia women gained the right to vote in 1920.