One, a Georgia politician named Isaac Briggs, was bowled over by his hostess.
Ted Turner is active in backing Georgia politicians.
With about 90,000 active members in the state, the N.R.A. contributes heavily to Georgia politicians.
Georgia politician and publisher Tom Watson used sensational coverage of the Frank trial to create power for himself.
Clifford Anderson (March 23, 1833 - December 19, 1899) was a prominent Georgia politician.
It is the lowest, meanest, nastiest insult one Georgia politician can hurl at another.
"I'm getting worked on just about every way I can get worked on," a Georgia politician said.
Roosevelt would use the Little White House as a base to replace Georgia politicians who refused to follow his policies.
Many Atlanta residents and some Georgia politicians refused to fly the 1956 flag and flew the pre-1956 flag instead.
Some Georgia politicians predicted a political civil war that might damage the image of comity that the city forged in the civil rights era.