Creek territory was constrained to a strip in east central Alabama along the Georgia border.
In Florida a century ago, the groves began much farther north, not all that far from the Georgia border.
The paratroopers were flown in by helicopter and have taken up positions inside Chechnya, but near the Georgia border.
The local calling area also includes portions of 706/762 and a small area of 256 in Alabama on the Georgia border.
Actually, the second killer got quite far, speeding through the night north to the Georgia border.
On June 23, another depression formed along Florida, this time just onshore near the Georgia border.
In 1900, Florida was largely agricultural and frontier; most Floridians lived within 50 miles of the Georgia border.
Here in this tiny, eastern Alabama hamlet, some 30 minutes from the Georgia border, they believe.
A few months later we moved to a little town in northern Florida, only thirty or forty miles from the Georgia border.
Along Route 31, from the Georgia border to Key West, much of the old Florida remains.