WITH: Irene Worth (Georges Sand) and Peter Eyre (Gustave Flaubert).
The story of the opera was said to have been borrowed from La Petite Fadette by Georges Sand, updated by the librettists to the time of Louis XIV.
Portraits of Rubens, Georges Sand, and Ingres.
This explains why Georges Sand said that it represented the limit between 'the visible and the invisible.'
He was also a portrait painter, and one of his most successful works was a likeness of Georges Sand, painted in 1839.
Both of her parents were academics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, her father a physics professor and her mother a professor of comparative literature who studied the author Georges Sand.
Marie Hardy-Callot runs excellent theme weekends, not only on Alain-Fournier but also on Georges Sand, wine, history and witchcraft.
Ohnet was an admirer of Georges Sand and bitterly opposed to the realistic modern novel.
'L'homme c'est rien--l'oeuvre c'est tout,' as Gustave Flaubert wrote to Georges Sands.
The theatre's playwrights included Balzac, Émile Augier, Georges Sand, Edmond About, Victorien Sardou, Octave Feuillet, Meilhac and Halévy, and Alexandre Dumas (both father and son).