Geographic Expeditions (1800-777 8183;
Geographic Expeditions in San Francisco, (800) 777-8183.
Geographic Expeditions (800-777 8183; Well-established high-end adventure travel company.
Geographic Expeditions, (800) 777-8183,, offers weekly, private, eight-day trips, starting at $2,295 a person, double occupancy, without air fare.
Geographic Expeditions, a San Francisco operator, has a 15-day tour, with fall departures on Oct. 14 and Nov. 4.
Geographic Expeditions (800 777 8183; Mainly bespoke tours aimed at the upper end.
Geographic Expeditions, (800) 777-8183,, arranges many treks and cultural tours, both private and escorted.
Geographic Expeditions is in Pushkar Nov. 24 to 26, before the religious part of the fair begins.
Geographic Expeditions will take up to 16 people on an 18-day trip on March 12.
Geographic Expeditions, (800) 777-8183,, of San Francisco has 22 years' experience specializing in "challenging and unusual destinations."