By the end of his career, he is, like Paul, preaching a trans-Judaic message to the Gentile world.
Even at the birth of the Christ, representatives of the Gentile world appear to pay homage to the new-born infant king.
From then onwards, he knew himself commissioned to carry the way of Jesus beyond the particularity of Judaism to the Gentile world.
The Gentile world remained indifferent.
She was his first convert in the "Gentile world".
Assimilation does not solve the problem because the Gentile world will not allow it, as the Dreyfus affair has so clearly demonstrated".
Jews may also have a Jewish name for intra-communitary use and use a different name when engaging with the Gentile world.
We are happy and fortunate to have such men from the Gentile world among us to-night; their presence lends an added solemnity to this memorable evening.
However as Christianity grew throughout the Gentile world, Christians diverged from their Jewish and Jerusalem roots.
When this sect branched into the Gentile world, they became known as Christians.