Two weeks ago, after fending off rumors that a military coup might be imminent, General Musharraf won a two-year extension of his appointment.
But it is apparently not General Musharraf's only plank.
Without being specific, General Musharraf himself made reference to "slippages" in the past.
The starting point of the process is clearly General Musharraf's order to stop the infiltration.
He has made no secret of his growing sense that Pakistani leaders, especially General Musharraf, had betrayed him over the past three years.
When our "antiterrorism" funds support General Musharraf's thugs as they terrorize American citizens, it's time to rethink our approach.
The bill now needs only General Musharraf's signature to become law.
But it is General Musharraf's government - not any foreign nation - that the citizenry will hold responsible.
If that's how General Musharraf's government treats one of the country's most distinguished lawyers, imagine what happens to a peasant challenging injustice.
"But I think eventually General Musharraf is going to be the loser."