Gene Tierney was initially cast in the role, but due to emotional problems dropped out at the last minute.
This play was turned into a very sanitized film in 1941 with Gene Tierney.
Though Gene Tierney was initially cast in the role, she had to drop out at the last minute due to personal issues.
It is her best known work, and was adapted into a popular film in 1944, with Gene Tierney in the title role.
Gene Tierney was still trying to cope with the personal tragedy of giving birth to a severely retarded daughter.
Scruples included the final screen appearance of Gene Tierney.
Gene Tierney dropped out due to her health problems.
There's the portrait of Gene Tierney over the fireplace.
A pregnant Gene Tierney sat at the counter eating a cheeseburger.
After that marriage failed, he pursued and married Gene Tierney, the actress.