Cerezyme, a drug made by Genzyme for Gaucher disease, costs $200,000 a year.
Type 1 Gaucher disease is a rare and debilitating metabolic disorder.
There is currently no effective treatment for the severe brain damage that may occur in patients with types 2 and 3 Gaucher disease.
The symptoms and physical findings associated with Gaucher disease vary greatly from case to case.
All three forms of Gaucher disease are inherited as autosomal recessive traits.
The three types of Gaucher disease are described by the presence and severity of nervous system complications.
People with this type of Gaucher disease usually live into adulthood.
Support groups and counseling can be helpful for people with Gaucher disease and for their families.
He was born with Gaucher disease, a rare genetic disorder that afflicts the joints and organs.
Provides information and assistance for those affected by Gaucher disease.