In California, gasoline consumption has been running about 2 percent above last year's levels.
At the same time, higher gas prices could cause Americans to cut back on gasoline consumption.
At the same time, gasoline consumption has risen by 45 percent.
Gasoline consumption already is rising at an annual rate of more than 5 percent.
Next year, the agency sees a rise of 1.2 percent in gasoline consumption.
They apply only to new cars, which account for less than 10 percent of gasoline consumption.
The soaring gasoline consumption is driven by more than just the strong economy, though.
Our current gasoline consumption from foreign oil is unsustainable for the future.
Over the same period, however, gasoline consumption has risen by 45 percent, to 9.5 million barrels a day.
Furthermore, gasoline consumption has continued to rise, up 1 percent in May compared with the same month last year.