Mike Dixon, a spokesman for the Texas Oil and Gas Corporation, which operates the well, said it became productive around the end of June 1979.
Four years later, USX bought the Texas Oil and Gas Corporation.
Another, the New York State Electric and Gas Corporation, had 40,000 customers who lost power.
He was president and owner of the Unity Oil & Gas Corporation.
Her father, who is retired, was the president of the Home Oil and Gas Corporation in St. Joseph.
The once-prosperous Texas Oil and Gas Corporation has been hurt in recent years by falling natural gas prices.
Then he was head of the Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation.
Other companies, like the New York State Electric and Gas Corporation, offer stock directly for initial purchases but only in the states where they operate.
The other energy matter involves the Texas Oil and Gas Corporation.
A $90,000 demonstration project grant for the heating system was provided by the New York State Electric and Gas Corporation.