Her New York breakthrough came in "Vanities," written by a college friend, Jack Heifner, and directed by Garland Wright, who also went to Southern Methodist.
For a man with an important new job in Minneapolis, Garland Wright is spending an unusual amount of time in Manhattan these days.
"I am finding a big transition in my own work," says Garland Wright of the Guthrie.
The Juilliard Community is deeply saddened by the passing of Garland Wright, an extraordinary artist and teacher.
"I'm deeply grateful to Garland Wright," he began, "for his dislike of the Irish repertoire."
Garland Wright (1986-1995)
Artistic Directors: Liviu Ciulei (1980-85), Garland Wright (1985-95)
Artistic Directors: Garland Wright (1985-95), Joe Dowling (1995-present)
Garland Wright, the director, makes it all look pretty and even expensive.