Early Buddhism remained centered around the Ganges valley, spreading gradually from its ancient heartland.
During the period, Buddhist monks deserted the Ganges valley, following either the northern road (uttarapatha) or the southern road (dakṣinapatha).
It is uncommon to rare in the Ganges valley, northern Bengal and Assam.
Agriculture dominated the economic activity along the Ganges valley during this period.
It is found in abundance in the Ganges valley.
In 1004, Mahmud of Ghazni besieged the local fort, which was located on the route from the northwest into the rich Ganges valley.
The Ganges valley where the tens of millions of Malwa subjects are concentrated.
And once they start transferring troops from the Ganges valley, we'll be looking at two hundred thousand.
Here, in the Malwa heartland of the Ganges valley not far from the capital at Kausambi, the road was very wide and well-made.
His kingdom now extended from the River Indus to the upper Ganges valley.