She was currently in charge of the gang unit.
"They're the reason you're seeing so many of us here," a member of the Memphis police force's gang unit said.
The department also has a gang unit, a community policing program and school programs intended to discourage children from using illegal drugs.
His new gang unit has identified 500 members by name, but thousands of teen-agers and young adults are believed to be involved to some degree.
The description led detectives from the police department's gang unit to look into the possibility that the shooting was part of an initiation ritual.
He wanted to beef up the gang units - because "that's what they care about in Newark," one trooper complained.
In 2006 alone, some 4,000 charges were brought against criminals through Milwaukee's Gang Unit.
There is an active female gang auxiliary unit of the Chaldean Mafia.
Maybe because of the gang unit?
In 2008, Steiner was promoted to the Gang Unit.