Brandon Dively won the coveted "Tool-Bag of the Game" award.
His efforts earned him Sunday Night Football's "Horse Trailer Player of the Game" award.
Yep, the stunning Turrican 2 emulates its predecessor which took the Best Game award last year.
There were no diving catches this night, no Budweiser Player of the Game award, which as a ball girl, she has won twice.
Captain Forever won the Best Game award at China's first Independent Games Festival in 2009.
Hot Pursuit was given GameSpot's Best Driving Game award for 2010.
From 1973-2007, only one Player of the Game award was honored (though three times this award has been presented to multiple players in a single game).
It won the " Best Transformation Game" award in 2007.
In the Hula Bowl he won the Defensive Lineman of the Game award.
It won the "Turn-based Strategy Game of the Year" award from GameSpot as well.