He declined even to consider Gallo wines.
Five members of our Congregation were arrested for demonstration against purchasing of table grapes & Gallo wine at Boys Supermarket, Carson.
Of the top 15 generics in that year, Gallo wines were also in 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th and 15th places.
A $40 bottle of Gallo wine?
Machiavelli, the first modern student of the subject, would have appreciated the man who makes Gallo wine.
A sign in the window informed visitors that the building's occupants did not drink Gallo wine.
The bad guy had been vanquished, the Gallo wine quaffed, the gelato devoured.
Gallo wines also have a modest presence in Belgium, the Netherlands and Scandinavia.
Mr. Damond often finds Gallo wines to his liking.
This excellent chardonnay is a Gallo wine.