No one has come close to stopping the Gait twins from Vancouver, British Columbia.
As usual, Syracuse was led by the Gait twins, Gary and Paul.
The Turbos, last year's champions, are out in front again thanks to the Gait twins, Gary and Paul, who are the leading scorers.
In a concurrent event, the most renowned players of the past decade, the Gait twins from British Columbia, were in action late today.
Greg Burns had three goals and the Gait twins, Gary and Paul, had two each.
Simmons came across the Gait twins because of his considerable network of acquaintances in the sport.
The era of the Gait twins, the Syracuse lacrosse luminaries, came to an end today in expected and glorious ways.
Thanks in part to the Gait twins, who had 63 goals, the average Syracuse score was 21-9 in 11 games.
After three straight national championships fueled by the remarkable but departed Gait twins from Canada, the Orangemen are now just another team, albeit a good one.