GOP debate: Perry and Romney clash over illegal immigration - video (1min 53sec)
Perry's performances in the GOP debates received generally poor reviews from the media.
This episode was scheduled to air January 23, 2012 and was replaced by a GOP debate.
Paul participated in several 2008 GOP debates, the majority of which he won according to the sponsors' own online or text-message phone polls.
Tonight's GOP presidential debate is the most important two hours of the year in US politics.
But if the other candidates get their way, Tuesday night's GOP debate in Las Vegas could see him come down like a stick.
GOP debate: Is Herman Cain able to stay on top of the Republican pack?
Michele Bachmann speaking during the GOP debate on Monday.
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is centre-stage in tonight's GOP debate on national security.
Tuesday's GOP debate was a parade of one-trick ponies.