On April 9, he surprised everyone by proposing a more aggressive tax cut than any of his more conservative GOP colleagues, calling for an end to all taxes on both capital gains and estates, changes that would cost the Treasury some $300 billion over five years.
How many rent checks will be undelivered, how many serious medical ailments will be untreated, because Senator Coburn and his GOP colleagues in the Senate prefer theatre over doing their jobs?
His GOP colleagues included Art Sour, also of Shreveport, who upset Democratic incumbent Frank Fulco.
Campbell's opposition, echoed by a number of GOP colleagues who spoke to The Hill, is to the idea that "now we're a part of kicking the can down the road.
For the past year, the second-term representative has been shouting out loud what many of his GOP colleagues only think: that Clinton has betrayed the public trust, that he has corrupted the White House, that he's deeply sleazy, and that he should go.
The reasoning was that if Democrats had to, as Ms. Lyons said, "hold your nose and swallow the medicine," by adopting a budget many said they found distasteful, they wanted their GOP colleagues to do the same.
His GOP colleague, Commissioner Meredith Baker, had no less than seven major objections, including one that "we have turned prioritization into a dirty word."
The conventional explanation for the newly aggressive Gingrich--he has publicly supported Burton and advises GOP colleagues to speak of Clinton's "crimes" rather than of charges--is that he is shoring up support in his political base, the extreme right wing.
When Hugh Scott retired, Baker was elected senate minority leader in 1977 by his GOP colleagues, defeating Robert Griffin 19-18.
And she didn't mince her words in an interview with The Raw Story, fiercely denouncing GOP colleagues over H.R. 3, the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act."