For this, and for a large contribution by her husband to the GOP campaign, Luce was rewarded with an appointment as Ambassador to Italy.
Issue 2 is the GOP presidential campaign.
The Democratic campaign was mild in comparison to the GOP campaign.
Newt famously took a week off for a cruise off the coast of Greece as the GOP presidential campaign got underway.
John Cheeves, "Kentucky 'Maverick' reels in serious cash for GOP campaign", Lexington Herald-Leader, August 29, 2004.
I agree with michaeldownunder Therefore he does not qualify to be in GOP primary campaign.
By 2004, Asher, despite not being a candidate for office, was becoming an issue in GOP campaigns.
Hastert ran a typical GOP campaign in a strongly Republican district and received 52 percent of the vote.
Brown was not pleased at finishing behind two Republican beneficiaries of Charlton Lyons, who was waging the first well-organized GOP campaign for governor in modern Louisiana history.
The GOP primary campaign was mainly a battle between Hoekstra and Durant as they were the most visible in running campaign ads.