Campbell Soup Company, which invested half a million dollars to oppose proposition 37 in California, is an opponent of labeling GMO foods.
They are GMO food in its prime.
In addition, opponents claimed there was little evidence that GMO foods posed a danger to human health.
Siddiqui is a supporter of genetically modified foods (GMO foods) for human consumption, and repudiates their potential health risks.
In 1999 he worked against the mandatory labeling of GMO foods in Japan, stating that such labeling "would suggest a health risk where there is none."
SpicySweet - 3 days ago Tell your husband to focus on the economy and getting GMO foods labeled.
Thanks to these compromises, it is possible to make rapid progress towards sound legislation on GMO food and feed, traceability and labelling.
I have another question about the trade in GMO food.
Yes, we need GMO foods to be labeled.
- played when the duo discuss GMO foods, usually involving the Monsanto Corporation and their agriculture products.