There is no selection test for entrance into sixth form as students are admitted on the basis of their GCSE grades.
The table below shows what each GCSE grade is equivalent to:
She concentrates on her school work and achieves eleven good GCSE grades.
Unit 2 is entitled 'Number' and makes 30% of the GCSE grade.
Entrance into year 12 is by GCSE grades.
Since the school's opening in 1999, the GCSE grades have notably improved.
Many students are fast tracked through qualifications with some achieving GCSE grades at least one year before nationally expected.
Entry to the sixth form is by interview, offers of a place being conditional upon the GCSE grades gained.
Academic standards are high, and many of the boys achieve good GCSE grades.
In addition, GCSE grades have been rising for many years, which critics attribute to grade inflation.