Its admission under this name would follow the precedent of Hong Kong, a GATT member since 1986.
This status was also applied to some countries that were not GATT members.
"We engage in the charade," he said, "that all GATT members share the same goals and beliefs."
Today's detailed agreement proved difficult to reach because of deep-seated suspicions among several GATT members.
Taiwan officials say they have received favorable responses on the membership application from "nearly all GATT members."
Beijing's application to join the organization is being studied by GATT members.
If GATT members can now muster the political will to dismantle these obstacles, trade will soar.
On the surface, GATT members strongly support movement on this front.
Article 28 allows a GATT member to modify a tariff to deal with certain adverse trade circumstances.
Within limits, GATT members can restrict imports from nonmember countries.