"Clayton", the main structure of Pittsburgh's Frick Art & Historical Center.
The Frick Art & Historical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The exhibition was organized by the Dahesh, the Musée Goupil in Bordeaux and the Frick Art and Historical Center in Pittsburgh.
Clayton, now the Frick Art & Historical Center, 1892 remodeling by Osterling of an 1860s house at 7200 Penn Avenue.
After extensive restoration, this property was also opened to the public in 1990 as the Frick Art & Historical Center.
Beginning tomorrow, these masters will dominate an exhibition at the Frick Art and Historical Center in Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh: Frick Art & Historical Center, 2003.
Children's Hospital 1951: Photographs by Esther Bubley, Frick Art & Historical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, 2009.
The greenhouse and playhouse at the Frick Art & Historical Center, in the Point Breeze neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA (1897)
That museum operates today as a part of the Frick Art & Historical Center complex.