In a Freudian reading, she focuses on how Mary "displaces and projects her own anger and disappointment" onto other characters, such as Ann and Henry.
Delirium, a mental disorder, invites a Freudian reading.
NOTE: The Freudian reading of this story emphasizes the sexual imagery in this section.
Mr. Gill has a penchant for trying to apply Freudian readings to all of Wright's actions and decisions, readings that frequently seem simplistic or strained.
Martine de Courcel, on her part, tries to give a Freudian reading to Tolstoy's life.
In this and other examples, a Freudian reading of the text becomes available as Lorca seems to be exploring the true nature of man.
His literary criticism is noted for its Freudian readings of Québecois literature.
Like all Freudian readings of female sexuality, this one is based on a male model.
Such willfully Freudian readings of famous children's classics may initially seem like parodies of pretentious academic criticism.
(Much hangs on a Freudian reading of an allusion to an "obelisk" that occurs in proximity to a description of the Holmes residence.)