The philosopher Martin Buber underlined the difference between the Freudian notion of guilt, based on internal conflicts, and existential guilt, based on actual harm done to others.
Mr. Tripp was the author of "The Homosexual Matrix," a 1975 book that disputed the Freudian notion of homosexuality as a personality disorder.
But Mr. Svankmajer's vision is much more than a surrealistic rendering of standard Freudian notions of repression and sublimation.
Trained in psychiatry, he deploys a handful of Freudian notions, like narcissism.
Program notes reveal that the dance's somewhat clumsy title was suggested by the Freudian notion that insignificant daily occurrences in dreams may be used to work through archetypal issues.
In a way, these stories are like a complicated, infinitely subtle, delicately inflected rendering of the Freudian notion that self-knowledge might bring freedom.
In addition to suggesting new avenues of treatment, the research is lending inadvertent support to a very old interpretation of the brain - namely the Freudian notion of unconscious fears - although neuroscientists prefer not to view it that way.
However, experimental research in cognitive science continues to challenge claims concerning the validity of the dissociation construct, which is still based on Freudian notions of repression.
Although Cameron rejected the Freudian notion of the unconscious, he shared the Freudian idea in that personal psychology is linked to the nervous nature.