Notably deployments in the African continent are French-speaking African nations.
The leaders of 41 French-speaking nations and territories began a summit meeting here today to the accompaniment of angry human-rights demonstrations.
Mr. Obiang cautiously opened up the country, building links to France and French-speaking African nations.
A summit meeting of French-speaking nations has ended with a commitment to strengthen the group as a forum for political and economic consultation and cooperation.
Most immigrants to Quebec settle in Montreal, and many come from French-speaking nations.
Copies of the flimsy report on France's relations with French-speaking nations, with childish spelling and grammar mistakes, showed up in the press.
Haiti is a member of La Francophonie (association of French-speaking nations), but officially bilingual.
Commentators have seen this as an acknowledgement of the slowness of the French-speaking nations to take up the challenge of an international role.
Surrounded by French-speaking nations, each country has hundreds of students studying French.
The summit of the world's 56 French-speaking nations in Beirut last month wholeheartedly embraced the French position on Iraq.