The Potez 43 was a family of French light utility and sports aircraft, developed in early 1930s.
The French utility is now suing.
French utility back Thierry Lacroix kicked five penalties for Dax as well as a drop goal.
The bid, if successful, would significantly expand the influence of Électricité de France, the French national utility, south of the Alps.
The Potez 58 was a family of French light utility and touring aircraft, developed in mid-1930s.
The alliance of the Agnellis and the French utility at first took many investors in Italy and France by surprise.
A French utility, Suez, controls faucets in four more Connecticut communities.
And an earlier bid for the company was blocked by Italian regulators because it was backed by a French utility.
It may be that my motive was also concern to stop using so much electricity supplied by a company owned by a French utility, but that is another issue.
She claims to be attached to the French public utilities, the civil servants and the general interest.