The book was a translation of a decadent French romance.
Despite the differences, however, influence from the French romance cannot be discounted, particularly as its first part hardly matches the second.
Partonopeus de Blois is an Old French romance written in the 13th century, named for its hero.
This 1975 French noir romance, a cult classic in Europe, is so poignant it may actually parody the genre.
His early works are Middle Dutch translations of French romances.
At thirteen, Alfieri began the study of civil and canonical law, but this only made him more interested in literature, particularly French romances.
There are apparently three different knight of this name in the old French romances (F.).
Arabella, the heroine, is remarkably gifted, yet her reading is confined to French romances.
Before the cyclical Old French romances, appearances of Morgan are few.
His songs are tender and lovely, influenced by the French romance.