But the French love Detroit cars, providing they have tailfins and were built before 1961.
She's part French, and the French love Vietnamese food.
The strong influence of Italian teachers has added brio to the French love for precision and purity of movement.
The French love to decorate their country with plaques in memory of deceased writers and patriots.
Convivial bordering on raucous, it's popular with Anglos but the French love it too.
It seems not even the French love les Negres as much as they used to.
And then there is the French love of their vacations.
The French love straight lines, rigid geometry, every plant in its place.
Indeed, the French love of chocolate is such that it has even become an affair of state.
Still, at least in the Tuileries, a touch of artistic anarchy has been allowed to challenge the French love of order.