Every year since 1880, the organizations of the French left have held a demonstration in this symbolic place during the last week of May.
The strength of the French left was only now appreciated, and the position became a matter of the greatest importance.
As the fog lifted one of them (probably York) noticed that the French left was exposed 'in the air' and vulnerable to an outflanking movement.
Parts of the French left supported the goals of the Việt Minh to form a socialist state.
The French left is destroyed by a British cavalry charge.
At the same time, the French left is divided following a split over the European constitution.
The French left had been split, shattered, and massacred.
The French left had been destroyed, utterly destroyed, in just forty minutes.
Indeed, until the end of the 19th century, the French left was defined as republican and the right as pro-monarchy.
The law and its early implementation was controversial, mainly because of the anti-clericalism found among much of the French political left at the time.