He had a significant legal career in Sherbrooke as one of its first French Canadian lawyers.
The office inside was cluttered in a fashion known only to old French lawyers and pack rats.
In 1616 he received the highest promotion open to a French lawyer and became keeper of the seals.
The narrator calls the agent who promises to bring a French lawyer to the trial.
His French lawyers had demanded €100,000 in damages from each defendant.
The refugee cause was, however, taken up by a number of sympathetic French lawyers.
The tradition was carried on by French lawyers, known as the Ultramontani, in the 13th century.
His French lawyers said they would appeal, and said the process would take two years.
A brief by a French lawyer said that, "a crime of thought seems to have been camouflaged as a common law crime."
I deal with French lawyers only out of dire necessity.