"Drawing in France" is not, of course, the same thing as "French drawing."
"It's significant French drawings," said Scott Gutterman, a spokesman for the library.
The library says that Mrs. von Bulow became a patron in the 1970's, concentrating on 18th-century French drawings.
A small-town museum lacking an extensive collection of French drawings of its own would benefit greatly from being able to show this collection.
The current exhibition of French 19th-century drawings at the museum includes many that have lain in their boxes since 1910.
The arts aficionado is far better off hanging around the bathrooms at Resorts and studying the 18th-century French architectural drawings.
Chennevières was a learned connoisseur and collected thousands of French drawings from 1500 to 1860.
The model was an 18th-century French drawing of a Baroque terrace in ruins.
What makes a drawing - or any work of art, for that matter - particularly French?
Some of her own early 19th-century French drawings, oil sketches and small bronzes are on display.