In 2009, the event was replaced by Freedom Fest, which was hyped by the newspapers.
This event ran in conjunction with the annual Freedom Fest which features over 100 libertarian-minded speakers.
Freedom Fest (2000-2001) was a charity/benefit event that rose to the occasion for a 50-band showcase that raised money for victims of the World Trade Center attack.
The Austin Area Chamber of Commerce sponsors an annual Independence Day Freedom Fest.
The largest event of Freedom Fest is the annual concert put on by local radio station Froggy 103.7, which they name "Froggy Fest".
He launched this album on June 2, 2012 at Freedom Fest in Kingston, Jamaica.
On July 4, 2008 Candlebox performed at the O'Fallon, Missouri Heritage and Freedom Fest in front of a record crowd.
The "Freedom Fest" was reported to have an attendance of 7,069 People as of 2007.
Joss shows up outside of Freedom Fest and kills Dorian by accident.
He breaks up with her at Freedom Fest because he got hungry and was afraid of hurting her.