Starting Over: A College Reader (1970) (with Frederick Crews).
Yet by the end of the 1960's he had become what another critic, Frederick Crews, not without reason, derided as a "born-again Leninist."
It was described by Frederick Crews as "the single most important book about Freud's ideas."
My scepticism has been reinforced by the recent work of Frederick Crews, who for many years was a leading psychoanalytic critic in America.
Yet there are affinities, as Frederick Crews points out:
Even one of the most vociferous critics of Freud, Frederick Crews, thinks that Freudianism is in serious trouble.
The lost scene inside the hotel has a small boy played by Frederick Crew.
Or absolutely nothing, as the literary critic Frederick Crews and the philosopher of science Adolf Grunbaum would thunder?
"A spoof is immediately recognizable as such," said Frederick Crews, a professor of English at the University of California at Berkeley.
Frederick Crews, who was cited as having demolished Freud's reputation, has done no such thing.