The conversion of all under Frankish rule required a considerable amount of time and effort.
As time passed, these lordships merged or gained independence from Frankish imperial rule.
Under the Frankish rule, Parma became the capital of a county (774).
The Frankish rule of Cyprus started from 1192 and lasted until 1489.
During the Frankish rule, it contained a square named Tasso.
Under Frankish rule, there were about 20 archbishops in the 14-15th centuries.
That tax continued to be offered, even after the end of the Frankish rule in Cyprus.
The duchy continued under Frankish rule until 828, when it was divided into counties and broken up.
These disruptions continued into the 5th century to the period of Frankish rule.
Between 785 and 792, Frankish rule was consolidated in Saxony.