Besides for promoting Franco-German reconciliation, Chamberlain's main motive was to create a situation where Germany could pursue territorial revisionism in Eastern Europe peacefully.
Following this occasion, the new President traveled to Berlin to meet German chancellor Angela Merkel as a symbol of the Franco-German reconciliation.
Its work was described by historians* as an 'important contribution to one of the greatest achievements in the entire record of modern statecraft: the astonishingly rapid Franco-German reconciliation after 1945.'
Verdun became a symbol of Franco-German reconciliation through remembrance of common suffering, while in the 1980s and 1990s Verdun took on a new identity as the capital of peace.
Winston Churchill, standing next to Robert Schuman had called for Franco-German reconciliation in a united Europe in a speech in Metz on 14 July 1946.
He was decorated by the French and German governments for his contributions to Franco-German reconciliation after World War II.
Politically, its role in Franco-German reconciliation is beyond question, but so is the evidence that advocating an active sector-based policy is well-founded.
Franco-German reconciliation worked because there were people in favour of peace on both sides, in both countries.
Although his life was still at risk, he spoke to friends about a Franco-German and European reconciliation that must take place after the end of hostilities, as he had already done in 1939-40.
This was the first time German troops entered in France since 1944, sealing the definitive Franco-German reconciliation.