But beyond the possibility that he d bring Bradford out to Fox Hollow, there's something be might clear up.
The village of Fox Hollow was small.
And when he came into the house in Fox Hollow, with his guards remaining outside in a limousine, Michael would take him.
"You have business in Fox Hollow, sir?"
The police in Fox Hollow stay close to their radios.
Your convincing friend failed to mention that he's just driven down from the village of Fox Hollow, the residence and dateline of a well-known commentator.
That the town, Fox Hollow, is fictional, does not conceal clichés perpetuating suburban stereotypes.
Fox Hollows and Elks golf course are developed at the eastern edge of the neighborhood.
Fox Hollow is a planned subdivision and was constructed during the 1970s to present.
It was released in December 1974 as the only single from the album, Songs of Fox Hollow.