In the late 1960s they covered a song that The Foundations had released, the Eric Allendale composition, "Solomon Grundy".
In 2008 the Foundation released its latest results for Britain, naming the A537 Macclesfield to Buxton road as the most dangerous road in Britain.
Earlier Tuesday the Foundation for Economic Research, a conservative organization, released a study suggesting that Massachusetts has "scraped the bottom of the barrel" in raising fees and other specialty taxes in recent years.
In 2000, the Foundation released a book, Water and the Shaping of California, written by Program Director Sue McClurg.
In 2007, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education released a survey of 346 colleges and Universities in the United States.
On October 20, 2009, Starlight Children's Foundation and New Gold Music Ltd. released a song that Dionne recorded about 10 years prior called "Starlight".
The Islamic Foundation of UK released an 'English Only' hardback edition in 2005, which features both the translation and commentary without the accompanying Arabic text.
In 1967, The Foundations released it as their début single.
The Foundation released X11R6.7, the X.Org Server, in April 2004, based on XFree86 4.4RC2 with X11R6.6 changes merged.
The Foundation released X11R7.1 on 22 May 2006, about four months after 7.0, with considerable feature improvements.