The airline originally had its head office in Fortitude Valley.
Fortitude Valley is named in her honor.
With the upgrade the station was renamed to Fortitude Valley.
Fortitude Valley was one of the original sixteen electorates proclaimed in 1859.
The 2011 event expanded to 30 buildings and included the Fortitude Valley.
The old post office in Fortitude Valley is the setting for this funky bar.
He was very involved in community affairs and was a great advocate for the progress of Fortitude Valley.
Fortitude Valley was also strongly advocated as the location of a new town hall in what became known as "the battle of the sites".
The 1990s saw the development of Fortitude Valley into a thriving live music scene and nightclub district.
He was returned as the Member for Fortitude Valley in the next six elections, holding the seat until his death.