The master plan will include Fort Sherman and some 23,100 acres of virgin rain forest at the Caribbean mouth of the canal.
The once glorious, now down-at-the-heels town of Colon (top) is across the canal from the former American military base at Fort Sherman.
The name of the fort was later changed to Fort Sherman to honor the general.
The 9th was based out of Fort Sherman.
Construction of Fort Sherman began in January 1912 as a phase of the original 1910 defensive plans.
Between 1966 and 1979 1160 sounding rockets with maximum flight altitudes of 99 kilometres were launched at Fort Sherman.
The 3d Battalion had been prepositioned at Fort Sherman two weeks prior to the operation and was under the control of the 7th Infantry Division.
Fort Sherman was the corresponding base on the Atlantic (northern) side.
The unit did not receive its first aircraft until about 10 December 1917, when two Curtiss R-4's were tested at Fort Sherman.
They specialized in jungle fighting and made many rotations to Fort Sherman, Panama to conduct annual training.