He was sent to take Fort Mercer.
On the night of the 15th the garrison retreated to Fort Mercer.
Fort Mercer is also the name of an unrelated location in the video game Red Dead Redemption.
Fort Mercer was located in what is now National Park, New Jersey.
With the evacuation of Fort Mercer on 20 November, Robinson gave orders the next day for the ships to be burned to prevent capture.
History of Fort Mercer at Try Philly com.
Fort Mercer was abandoned soon afterward, opening the Delaware and permitting the British to hold Philadelphia until June 1778.
When it became clear that the fort was about to be attacked, Thayer and his men recrossed the river to help in Fort Mercer's defense.
This structure, a brick and stone house just outside the works of Fort Mercer, served as a hospital for some of the men wounded in the fighting.
During the battle, Thayer commanded a section of Fort Mercer's defenses.