After the battle, the regiment was sent to Fort Carillon, then under construction.
The fort was built by the French in 1755, and called by them Fort Carillon.
Their greatest victory came at Fort Carillon in 1758 against the forces of General Abercromby.
This song tells the story of the victorious battle of Fort Carillon.
In 1758, the regiment participated in the defense of Fort Carillon.
The operation was a success and Montcalm brought back his men to Fort Carillon for the summer.
There were also about 250 Canadian Indians at Fort Carillon, for a total of 3,500 soldiers.
They decided to prepare for a massive attack against Fort Carillon.
He was wounded in 1758 at the successful defence of Fort Carillon.
So they built another like her, the Invincible, for the assault on Fort Carillon, which failed.