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It was a truly formative period for the country and space flight.
Firearms were only to come later, after the crucial formative period.
The formative period can be a tense time, but it was made easier because the two men have known each other for 30 years.
Much of their formative periods in the public eye were spent on the Planet's stage.
As an illustration of the treatment he received in that early, formative period, the following instance is given.
Parliament must be the exemplary institution during this formative period.
This was a span of 37 years altogether, and occurred during a very formative period for the school.
This last request is very important as it gives you a chance to help guide the club in its formative period.
They have not been seen in any other Late Formative period villages.
He terms the experience "one of the most important and formative periods of my life".
Polls are a driving influence in Presidential politics, and probably never more so than during this formative period before the real campaign.
American religion, in its formative period, owed nothing to Pascal.
This type of decoration is not seen in the Late Formative period.
Martin has emerged from his own formative period claiming to be "the last to know" about fashion.
I learned a great deal during that formative period about what made people tick and one saw what life was really like.
It covers the polemical and formative period of the pilgrimage, from 1858 to 1914.
It is the only complete representative of the courtly branch in its formative period.
Both sites date from the mid to late Formative Period.
During this formative period, the work of these latter two organizations involved planning for missile operations and training.
There's no doubt that this age, a time spent observing rather than connecting, is a formative period for writers.
"It was one of the most formative periods in the history of jewelry design."
He oversaw the colony during a difficult formative period.
Thus, humans have greater access to the complex experiences afforded by being out in the world during the most formative period of brain development.
The 1960s represented a formative period for television development.
This tenure of service covered the formative period from March 1865 to January 1868.